New TV Shows on Netflix

Audrey Whalen, Reporter

Netflix frequently releases new shows and movies. Some of the most recent include “Green Eggs and Ham,” “Seven Seconds,” and “Punisher.”

“I love that Netflix is constantly putting out new content. The original shows just adds to their variety,” senior Chad Brown said.

One show, “The Punisher” is a Marvel series about a Marine who becomes a vigilante after the murder of his family. The show stars Jon Bernthal as Frank Castle. This is not the first show Marvel has added to the Netflix original list and it probably is not the last.

“’The Punisher’ is a great show. It is nothing like the Marvel comic movies. The shows are gruesome and for a more adult audience,” junior Briana Strode said.

Another new show Netflix is adding is “Seven Seconds.” This show  focuses on race relations between police and public in New Jersey. 

“I think this show will bring up some major issues going on in the world. I hope Netflix does it correctly, because if they do not a lot of people will be mad about it,” junior  Jahmiah Higgins said

Finally, “Green Eggs and Ham” is making its way onto the “kids” part of Netflix. The show will be based off the Dr. Suess book. The main producer for this show is Ellen Degeneres.

“Ellen is a genius, in my opinion, her creating this wonderful children show will be the greatest. Green Eggs and Ham was an amazing children book  and I am excited to see it become a show,” junior Jahmiah Higgins said.