Apple Ecosystem

Nolen Cooper, Reporter

Apple products are great. They have seamless connection with each other and the OS is fluid and easy to use. But the company is also constantly pushing users to buy more Apple products. An ecosystem is a complex network or interconnected system, and that is what apple has achieved with their products, an “Ecosystem” of sorts.

Purchasing just one Apple product often leads consumers down a road that leads to even more Apple products. First consumers get the iPhone, then consumers buy airpods because they work so seamlessly together, and nothing else seems to be as good. Then users get a MacBook because they want to have wireless earbuds that work with their Laptop as seamlessly as their phone. Then on to the Apple homepod, so you can control your home, laptop, phone and earbuds with siri at ease.

Apple products are made to work together and they don’t seem to work with the same quality outside of the “ecosystem”.

Every Apple product works perfectly and seamlessly with one another, but remove the iPhone or Macbook and Airpods become almost useless because Android phones can not benefit from the touch feature and instant connection. And consumers should not buy a homepod without owning another Apple Product because without the Apple ID or phone, it has no use outside of telling the user the time. 

Apple Products are great. But overall they are just made to sell consumers more Apple Products. Apple makes this feel acceptable, because every product can connect and interact seamlessly. While the ecosystem is a good thing for super high efficiency workplaces, other companies have yet to integrate Apples level of seamlessness into their products, hence why Apple is in the lead when compared to many other major phone and computer companies.