Homecoming Theme 2019- I Wanna Dance with Somebody
Students purchase homecoming tickets during lunches.
October 3, 2019
Some people, like senior Andrew Harmon, think that are the 80’s fashion trends are coming back. Now the music is too. Or, at least it will be for one night at the “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” homecoming October 5.
“I love the theme. The 80’s are cool and have great music,” freshman Sam Kirby said.
This year’s homecoming theme was determined by a student council vote. While September may seem too early to announce the theme and start planning, StuCo said homecoming takes lots of work to make happen. In fact, student council members start planning on the first day of school.
“The worst part is staying after on Fridays to work on it, but the best part is seeing the finished product,” sophomore Nate Smith said.
Now that the theme has been announced, students have started discussing their opinions on it.
“I think the theme is very fun and original,” freshman Camille Nat said.
However, not everyone shared the same enthusiasm.
“I feel like it could be more creative. Anyone could have come up with that,” sophomore Dasia Newberry said.
Still, despite various opinions on the theme, many THS students said they are eager to attend homecoming.
“I am going with friends. This year is my last homecoming which makes it more special. I would tell others to go, especially freshmen. I didn’t go my freshman year, and I regret it,” Harmon said.
This year’s dance will take place October 5 in the cafeteria. Tickets are for sale in the cafeteria for $20 for the remainder of the week and will not be sold at the door Saturday.