Den Time continued this year, an hour lunch where students can easily join clubs and spend more time for education by visiting teachers during office hours, going to the counselor’s office and more. Students can also see friends during this time.
“There’s probably three or four clubs you can attend every day, and those are posted on the TVs [in the hallways]. We also have basketball in the big gym and volleyball in the small gym. There’s also study hall sections,” assistant principal Emily Hoehn said.
Students can also meet up with teachers during Den Time office hours. To find out when teachers are available, check the schedule near each classroom door.
“I get to be more social and hang out with my friends, and I like to play volleyball or something in the gym once in a while. It’s a good time to get homework done so that I have more time to play my sports after school,” senior Audrey Darrough said.
This year, students are allowed to eat in the library during Den Time.
“During Den Time we have students coming into the library…to check out library books. They work on homework and use our think tank to work on projects,” librarian Elizabeth Faron said
Both this year and last year, students not throwing away their lunch trash has been a large concern. Hoehn said the principals will shut down Den Time if littering in the school does not improve.
“I clean up everywhere. Even if it’s not my stuff, I’m cleaning. I’m after people if they are just leaving stuff behind, because I want my Den Time; I want my clubs. We clean up after everybody, because we’re here together,” senior Theodore Hanson said.
During Den Time students can be in the auditorium, the cafeteria, the downstairs A and B hallways, the big gym, the small gym, the balcony, the field and the library, but cannot be in the upstairs A and B hallway during den time.