Packers vs Cancer Campaign

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November 7, 2017
The Green Bay Packers are running a campaign this fall in order to raise money and awareness of cancer and cancer survivors. The Packers are selling Vince Lombardi caps, with $5 of each hat sale benefiting the Vince Lombardi Cancer Foundation.
“I think it is a great way to raise money, especially with a team that gets so much attention. The fans are so dedicated, and I think it will go really well,” said Kate Meara said.
The Lombardi Cancer Foundation is dedicated to winning the battle against cancer by funding cancer research through Green Bay Packers sales.
“…They all have so many fans that would get behind it and it would be a really easy way to raise money for a good cause,” senior Ian Wilson said.
The Packers recognized cancer survivors on the field during a pregame event at the October 22 Saints vs. Packers game. Game attendees were able to show their support with the “game giveaway banner” they could write down the name, or names, of people they know who had been affected by cancer.
“The NFL has had a bad perception by a lot of people this year for a bunch of reasons so I think anything like this should help at least a bit,” Wilson said.
During the week five and six games, Packer fans were invited to do a text-to-donate campaign, and the Packers agreed to match up to $10,000 of the money raised, all donated to the Lombardi Cancer Foundation.
“Cancer touches the lives of so many families and individuals in our community and we’ve heard from a lot of people over the years who have battled cancer themselves. We’re proud to show our support by working with Bellin Health and the Vince Lombardi Cancer Foundation to increase awareness and raise funds for all cancers during the month of October,” Packers CEO Mike Murphy said according to
The Packers decided not to focus on one specific cancer type, but to donate money to research all types of cancers.
“I think this is a great way to show support of those who are fighting cancer, and I think it would be great if more teams could do this,” sophomore Brooke Lemen said.
To learn more about the Green Bay Packers’ fight against cancer and stay updated on the Lombardi Cancer Foundation, visit