5G Data: Closer than you Think

Nolen Cooper, Reporter

5G data is no longer just a dream of the future. Phone carriers are expected to widespread launch the service by 2020. Though many readily available phones now will not work with 5G, phones of the future like Samsung’s S10, will be able to use it.

“With the advancement of technology, you will need more bandwidth to do things like stream 4K video,” sophomore Marcus Temple said.

5G data for the most part will be very similar to 4G data, just faster. In many cases it could possibly replace peoples’ home wifi, because of the fast speeds and large coverage areas. 5G would operate in a 30 Ghz to 300 Ghz, in what is called the millimeter wave spectrum that allows it to transfer data at very high speeds with little to no lag. The only possible downside is providers will need to put up more antennas to compensate for the lower frequency.

“I would like to have unlimited 5G, but 4G is more cost effective, and I’m happy with what I have,” sophomore Colin Eilering said.

Once 5G is launched users will be able to stream live 4K video with ease. 5G should ease data slowing at highly crowded areas, and may help in rural areas having no service. Some hope phones will be able to connect to and control self driving cars with the 5G data speeds.

“[If I had 5G] I wouldn’t use my home wifi, … , 4G is still fast enough,” sophomore Michael Sitarski said.

Phone carriers are racing to get 5G coverage out before their competitors. Apple is expected to release its first iPhone with 5G a few years after Samsung’s release, so that they can perfect the way 5G works with your phone. Lenovo has already released a 5G capable device, but the cell towers are still rolling out so do not expect much from it just yet. Cell phone carriers in the United States are planning the widespread release of 5G, by 2020.