What People Like To Get or Recieve On Valentine’s Day

Nathan Lerner, Reporter

Valentine’s Day is approaching, and WHTV wanted to find out what students and staff like to give and receive as a gift on Valentine’s Day.

The first Valentine’s day celebration occurred in Paris on February 14, 1400 and, today, over $1 billion worth of chocolate is purchased for Valentine’s Day, annually, in the U.S. alone, according to weareteachers.com.

“My favorite gift to receive on Valentine’s day would have to be chocolate, just because I love chocolate,” senior Will Tischler said. 

Most interviewees said they preferred chocolate or just candy in general on Valentine’s Day.

“My favorite gift to give on Valentine’s day is something really heartfelt that you think about, something you consider. You contemplate what this person really enjoys. Typically, it’s an experience so anything that you guys can do together,” social studies teacher Isaiah Winkelmann said. 

The first valentine was sent in the 15th century, and was reportedly written by a French, medieval duke named Charles to his wife, according to weareteachers.com. 

“I would love to get a bunch of chocolate, and then I also really appreciate whenever students or friends or husbands give little notes of appreciation on how much they appreciate all the hard work I put in for them,” special education teacher Koreen Schoene said.

Teachers are the number one recipient of valentines, according to weareteachers.com.